Sexual life

Sexual pleasure in 20 questions

Experience sexual pleasure is discovering that all teenagers aspire. And thereafter, facing the pleasure lovers, adults sometimes find lacking strong lack of information or references. And matters of privacy are a bit difficult to ask the entourage. Here are answers to frequently asked questions about the fun ...

Technical issues

If sexual pleasure is an emotion, it is to get there a physical basis, technical and physical. For that pleasure is simple, natural, it is nice to know your own body and its functioning, to be reassured, to understand and to vibrate the best.
How do we know we have an orgasm?
An orgasm is characterized by a very strong feeling of tension that drop abruptly. It is accompanied by rhythmic involuntary contractions of the vaginal muscles and a feeling of pleasure.
How should we feel contractions during orgasm?
Between 3 and 12 vaginal contractions. More excitement of starting and the fun is powerful, more numerous are these contractions. The first are strong and close together then they dimmed and frequent.
A woman who enjoys cries she always?
Absolutely not. A violent orgasm may well be totally silent. And a woman may instead shout very loudly without being right in orgasm. So the decibels are not significant to orgasm.
Is it true that there is a vaginal and clitoral pleasure pleasure?
Sexual pleasure of orgasm is always vaginal because an orgasm, vaginal or clitoral it is always expressed in the vagina by involuntary, rhythmic contractions. So we are talking today instead of orgasm point of departure vaginal or clitoral orgasm to start. The pleasure that comes from the clitoris is generally more explosive, and the one that comes from diffuse and deep vagina.


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